Foreign Visitors - Instituto Nacional Electoral

Foreign Visitors


Área: CAI

The 2023-2024 Mexican Federal and Concurrent Local Electoral Processes

The General Council of INE, in accordance with the Agreement INE/CG54/2023, approved and addressed the public notice to the international community interested to arrange their accreditation as foreign visitor in order to learn  and to be informed about  the  2023-2024 Mexican Federal and Concurrent Local Electoral Processes that will  take place on June 2nd,  2023.

As the result of the international observation, all the foreign visitors could make an electoral observation report.

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The National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE) appreciates the interest of the international community in its substantive activities, so it is open to the participation of any foreign citizen interested in witnessing the development of federal elections in our country and its constituent entities.

Visitantes extranjeros

What is a foreign visitor?

It is the legal figure for international observers in Mexico. Means citizens from other countries, interested in witnessing the development of Mexican electoral processes, in its different phases and stages.

Mexicans, by birth or nationality, must be accredited as national electoral observers, regardless of their place of residence

What do I need to be accredited as a foreign visitor for 2020-2021 Mexican electoral process?

To be accredited as a foreign visitor you need to send the accreditation request, a photo and a valid passport to, no latter than May 26, 2021.

Find out more in Foreign Visitors 2020-2021.

Foreign visitors can:

Know, witness and be informed about the development of the Electoral Process in any of its stages and in any area of the national territory.

Request interviews or information about their activities from the electoral authority responsible for the electoral process, the competent jurisdictional authority, as well as from parties, candidates and coalitions.

Accredited foreign visitors must refrain from:

  1. Replacing or obstructing the electoral authorities in the exercise of their duties.
  2. Proselytizing.
  3. Demonstrating in favour of or against any party or candidate.
  4. Carrying out any activity that alters the fairness of the contest.
  5. Making any expression of offence, defamation or slander against the institutions, electoral authorities, political parties or candidates.
  1. Declare the victory of any political party or candidate.
  2. Declare trends in voting before and after Election Day.
  3. Carry or use emblems, badges, coats of arms or any other image related to political parties, candidates or political or ideological positions related to the election.

Consulta las convocatorias por Proceso Electoral

Foreign Visitors